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Прежде чем вы решите совершить покупку, внимательно изучите несколько предложений по продаже, чтобы понять среднюю стоимость выбранной вами модели техники. Если цена понравившегося предложения намного ниже аналогичных предложений, задумайтесь. Значительная разница в цене может говорить о скрытых дефектах или о попытке продавца совершить мошеннические действия.
Не покупайте товары, цена которых слишком отличается от средней цены на аналогичную технику.
Не давайте согласия на сомнительные залоги и предоплаты товара. В случае сомнений не бойтесь уточнять детали, просите дополнительные фотографии и документы на технику, проверяйте подлинность документов, задавайте вопросы.
Самый распространенный тип мошенничества. Нечестные продавцы могут запрашивать определенную сумму аванса для «брони» вашего права на покупку техники. Таким образом мошенники могут собрать большую сумму и пропасть, больше не выходить на связь.
- Перевод предоплаты на карту
- Не вносите предоплату без оформления документов, подтверждающих процесс передачи денег, если во время общения продавец вызывает сомнения.
- Перевод на счет «доверенного лица»
- Подобная просьба должна настораживать, скорее всего, вы общаетесь с мошенником.
- Перевод на счет компании с похожим именем
- Будьте бдительны, мошенники могут маскироваться под известные компании, внося незначительные изменения в название. Не переводите средства, если название компании вызывает сомнения.
- Подстановка собственных реквизитов в инвойс реальной компании
- Прежде чем делать перевод, убедитесь в правильности указанных реквизитов и относятся ли они к указанной компании.
Контакты продавца

Automatic palletizing group specially designed for high speed applications with Fast Pack
Formation Table at High Elevation
– Speed suitable for 72.000 cans/hour line for 250 ml slim cans with 6×4 configuration, on
1200×1000 mm pallets
– Package infeed height, H=2000 mm
– Designed for pallet dimensions 1000x1200mm – Max. standard pallet height 1900mm
– Pallet transfer height, H=500mm
Machine is composed of:
Fast Pack Formation Table at High Elevation
– Mechanism to turn packs automatically at inlet of the palletizer according to the predetermined
configuration of each layer. It is controlled by the PLC and. The device is equipped with a turner, which turns the product of 90°, if required.
Intermediate Table
– Consists of conveyor table, a product pushing device to pallet lifter. Driven by a geared
motor. The translation of the layer from the performer to the palletiser is carried out by a pushing device.
Double Speed Inlet Belts
– The double speed belts are used for spacing the products in order to allow the counting and
a possible rotation on the preformer. A transmission and a gear change allow to vary the speed between the first and the second segment of the belt
Layer Transfer Table with Stopper Mechanism
– It transfers the ready layer into intermediate table before sending to pallet lifter group.
Robot Arm:
Ability to raise up 110 kg mass load.
2.4 m working range
4 axis motion capability
Average 3.67 kW power consumption
IP67 protection class
145 degrees orientation ability
User friendly hand terminal accessElectrical Control Panel- It is made of a painted metallic structure in compliance with the security regulations IP 54,
and contains electromechanical instruments. Keyboard and lighting display to show failures, to change format and receive production data. Programmable PLC for controlling the machine.
Safety Guards Around The Palletizer
– Constructed in modular metal netting, plastic-coated during painting for greater against
scuffing. Fixed to the ground by expansion bolts.
– Entry doors for inspection with microswitch safety system which activates an emergency stop
if opened when the machine is running.
Empty Pallet Dispensing Unit (Pallet Magazine)
– Used to store empty pallets and feed them to the palletizer automatically when required
– Movement is by two chains which are connected by a drive shaft.
– Two pneumatic cylinders mounted at the rear of the unit are used for opening and closing the pallet magazine “arms” to allow pallets to be discharged.
Empty Pallet Infeed Conveyors
– The conveyor top is composed of zinc-coated steel rollers, whilst the pitch is dependent upon
the product being conveyed
– Load capacity 1000 kg per meter
– The (tangential) transmission is via a chain powered by a geared motor
– The electrical and pneumatic installation is controlled by the main electrical cabinet of the Palletiser
Full Pallet Outlet Conveyors
– The conveyor top is composed of zinc-coated steel rollers, whilst the pitch is dependent upon the product being conveyed
– Load capacity up to 2000 kg
– The (tangential) transmission is via a chain powered by a geared motor
– The electrical and pneumatic installation is controlled y the main electrical cabinet of the palletiser.
Max pallet weight 1200 kg
– Speed upto 65 pallets/hour
– Required height for the ceiling 6m
– The machine is equipped with film clamping and cutting system as well as standard metal grid safety-guardings all around, with access door controlled by safety limit switch. Arm rotation speed adjustable through inverter. Spool carriage lift/descent speed adjustable through mechanical speed variator
– The machine is fitted with reflection photocell for the automatic reading of pallet height
– The wrapping machine is also equipped with electric control cabinet for the control of the functions, and alphanumeric display TOUCH SCREEN
Speed: 700 Boxes/hour
Products: Alcohol, Beer, Dairy, Detergents, Juice, Oil, Soft Drinks, Spirits, Spumante, Tea, Vinegar, Water (Sparkling), Water (Still), Wine (Sparkling), Wine (Still)
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
Electrical data: V: 380Vhz: 50hz
Product type: Carton
Palletizer Type: Robotic
Type of operation: Rotating arm
Type of Handling: By the neck with grippers
Pallet storage availability: Yes
Supported pallet dimensions: Eur-Epal pallet, 800x1200 mm